WALKING WOMEN – Call for contributions

Dear all,

We hope you have seen the ‘save the date’ message about the WALKING WOMEN programme of events, taking place in London, Somerset House (16th/17th July) and Edinburgh, Forest Fringe (11th August).

Here are two opportunities to get involved and show your work as part of the events:

1. We will be screening a selection of films by women artists who use walking as part of their practice, and would like to invite you to submit your work for consideration in this programme. We may have some technical restrictions, but will try as hard as we can to facilitate the screening of work in any format. We are looking for work of no more than 30 minutes in length.

Please send your application to c.qualmann@uel.ac.uk by Friday 27th May, including the following information: Name, Title of work, date, duration, format, a brief overview/description (no more than 200 words), plus a link to the film/extract online. Please do not email large film files. Undigitised work can be sent via mail to:

Clare Qualmann,

University of East London

USS 3.05

1 Salway Road

London E15 1NF

If you would like us to return your application materials please include a pre-addressed return envelope in your package. Please do not send sole copies of work.

2. We will also have rapid fire open-mic presentation sessions for artists at each location. The idea is to keep things succinct, and enable lots of people to share their images and ideas. Depending on levels of interest we may have to select for this opportunity – but we will endeavour to include as many artists as possible to make this an ‘open-mic’ section of the programme.

If you would like to be considered for inclusion please send your application to c.qualmann@uel.ac.uk by Friday 27th May, including the following information: Name, a brief description of your creative walking practice or walk-based work that you have made (no more than 200 words), 5 images indicative of your work (these should be low res so that your attachments are no more than 2MB total), which location/date you would like to present at (or multiple options).

We look forward to receiving your applications!

all best,

Clare and Amy